There are three options for preserving your desktop layout. Note: If you want be able to have multiple windows open simultaneously, be sure that option is checked. You’ll see a window that looks like Figure 1:įigure 1: In the Desktop View section of your Preferences window, you can choose to have one window or multiple windows open, and save a desktop configuration that will open when you launch QuickBooks. In the list on the left, click Desktop View. You’ll have to tweak your Preferences to make this happen. You can change this behavior so that every time you launch the program, it opens to the screen(s) you want to see first. QuickBooks automatically opens to its default desktop (the Home page), which displays a set of the most commonly used navigational icons, separated by type. Every desktop version of QuickBooks (except for Simple Start) offers several tools to accommodate your preferences, so we’ll show you some of the best. You can create a desktop that meets your specific needs, while maintaining the program’s inherent usability. Everyone uses QuickBooks just a little differently.