Many gamers think PS4 controller can only be connected to PS4 gaming console. Before you raise the white-flag and buy a Steam controller or Xbox controller or ANY other controller with Windows logo stamp on its box (just avoid cheap unknown brands and stick with known brands like Logitech). The good news, there are a number of emulators that you can try. The bad news, an emulator may NOT work with all computers. Use a PS4 Controller Wired to Your Mac with USB The PS4 DualShock controller uses a standard micro-USB connection, and you can use a micro-USB to Type A standard USB cable to connect the controller directly to your Mac. Wouldn't it be great to just use the PS4 controller with your Mac? Well, good news! There are two ways to use a wireless DualShock 4 controller with OS X, and we'll show you each method below. There are a number of relatively inexpensive available, but some Mac owners already have a perfectly good PlayStation 4 DualShock controller sitting in their living rooms.
Whether it's one of the recently launched for OS X, classic games from sites like, or old, there's no shortage of awesome gaming experiences that simply beg to be played with a gamepad rather than a mouse and keyboard.
There's never been a better time to use a gamepad with your Mac.